Still Following Glencore

Merger with Xstrata will create new mining giant One trades and the other digs. So tweets BBC Business Editor Robert Peston about the pending merger of Glencore and Xstrata. The Financial Times confirms the merger, likely to be announced within days, will combine the...

Following Glencore

Trade data can shed light on a low-profile company’s x-border commerce Back on April 7, we took a look at what Datamyne trade data can reveal about Colombia’s consumption of US exports. We noticed then, but didn’t comment on, the fact that three of Colombia’s top five...

10 Bellwether Trends in International Trade

Here are 10 trends in international trade with high potential to change the course of U.S. import-export trade in the year ahead. 1. Shifting Currents in Global Energy Flows The lifting of restrictions on U.S. oil exports together with the shale revolution have...

Copper Benchmark

Peru is poised to boost copper output as global demand outstrips supply Glencore, the commodities trader whose May initial public offering raised $10 billion, has just paid $475 million in cash to CST Mining Group for a 70% interest in Marcobre S.A.C., sole owner of...