by | Jul 9, 2018 | Imports

Bolstered by initiatives to promote its health benefits, cherry juice is a popular product among U.S. consumers.  Michigan, the top producer of tart cherries in the U.S., has seen Turkey take center stage in imports of the juice concentrate.

According to data from Descartes Datamyne, Turkey is the #1 supplier of Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate, Unfermented (HTS 2009.89.6011); and Cherry Juice, Unfermented, Except Tart Concentrate (HTS 2009.89.6019). The U.S. imported $12.15 million of the tart concentrate in 2017 by General Total Value, FOB U.S.$.

Cherry juice is available at price points that domestic producers cannot match. For example, Turkey’s cherry juice concentrate exports to the U.S. are virtually duty free as revealed by Descartes CustomsInfo. This is in contrast to the 58%+ duty rate that the country places on U.S. exports. The low-priced imports have also countered U.S. cherry juice sales amid natural threats from an invasive crop pest that destroys fruit trees.


U.S. Imports of Cherry Juice Concentrate: Data from Descartes Datamyne

U.S. Imports 2017 – Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate, Unfermented (HTS 2009.89.6011)
Top Countries of Origin by Value, FOB U.S.$

  1. Turkey: $8,150,100.00 (62% of total value)
  2. Poland: $1,824,911.00 (15% of total value)
  3. Austria: $1,452,336.00 (12% of total value)
  4. Hungary: $881,852.00 (7% of total value)

Total of all imports of HTS 2009.89.6011 in 2017: $12,468,285.00

U.S. Imports 2017 – Cherry Juice, Unfermented, Except Tart Concentrate (HTS 2009.89.6019)
Top Countries of Origin by Value, FOB U.S.$

  1. Turkey: $3,997,134.00 (39% of total value)
  2. Brazil: $2,724,552.00 (27% of total value)
  3. Canada: $1,433,712.00 (14% of total value)
  4. Georgia: $985,773.00 (10% of total value)

Total of all imports of HTS 2009.89.6019 in 2017: $10,141,366.00

The value of imported juice is higher when considering cherry juice imports simply classified under HS 2009.90, Mixtures of juices, fruit and/or vegetable, unfermented and not containing added spirit, whether or not sweetened, and others.

U.S. Exports 2017 – Cherries, Fresh, Other Than Sour (HS 0809.29)

In regard to fresh cherry exports, China recently increased the tariff rates on from the U.S. by 15% on the sweet variety in response to U.S. steel and aluminum tariffs. According to data from Descartes Datamyne, China is the #3 destination for U.S. fresh sweet cherries (HS 0809.29) by FOB Value U.S.$, capturing ~20% of exports in 2017.

  1. South Korea: $148,221,413.00 (24% of total value)
  2. Canada: 138,002,995.00 (22% of total value)
  3. China: $121,655,082.00 (20% of total value)
  4. Taiwan: $54,147,407.00 (9% of total value)

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Post tags: Food | Imports

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