by | Feb 4, 2016 | Imports

This Valentine’s Day you may be scrambling to find the perfect gift for that perfect someone. We hope this infographic, featuring popular V-Day imports and fun facts, will help guide you in the right direction.

If you’re pondering flowers, roses may be a safe choice, as they are the choice of many, our trade data shows. Fresh cut roses accounted for 40% of US flower imports (by total CIF value US$). Although lilies are becoming a hot commodity as well. In fact, the US purchased about 11% more lilies in 2015 than in 2014.

Not into flowers? Valentine-themed decorations were one of the most popular waterborne imports in 2015. Yes, decorations! If your house isn’t covered in lovely picture frames, rosy wreaths and hearty pillows, apparently you’re missing out. The US imported 286 shipments, totaling 3,164 metric tons, of Valentine’s Day decorations last year. Other notable Valentine-themed gifts included: heart-shaped anything, toys, candy, stuffed bears, cards and jewelry.

You might find these products at Dollar Tree, Michael’s Store or Rite Aid, all are leading importers of Valentine goodies.

Another option is the gift of a delightful whiff, that is, perfumes and toilet waters, which are always nice for Valentine’s Day, or year-round. In 2014, the US imported over $2.2 billion in perfumes and toilet waters, with 57% coming from France. With consumption like that, it’s hard to go wrong.

But whether it’s roses, bears, or a card… It’s the thought that counts for that special someone.

Please feel free to share our infographic.

Happy Valentine’s Day from Datamyne!

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