by | Dec 7, 2010 | Imports, Trade Data

Datamyne Tops in Trade Report covers a leading source for U.S. wintertime grapes

As the U.S. moves into winter, imports of grapes and other fresh fruits shift into high gear. As noted in Fresh from the Southern Hemisphere, most U.S. imported fresh grapes come from Chile this time of year, but Peru’s concerted effort to position itself as a reliable alternative source is paying off. While Peru’s share of the U.S. market overall is still small, it’s making a strong showing on the East Coast, where it accounts for 34% of grapes coming into New York-New Jersey so far this year (compared with Chile’s 44% share).

Our free report on U.S. imports of fresh grapes from Peru, January through October 2010, covers top sources, consignees and carriers – with website links, where available – as well as top ports of entry and top destination states. You can download the latest free report in pdf here.

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