Datamyne Top 5: Markets for Argentina’s Wine

by | Mar 2, 2012 | Markets

Top South American producer, No.2 in the new world

Datamyne’s South American team filed a report yesterday on the global market in wine (Needs Balance: Wine Market) and the “old world” producers’ efforts to shrink a global surplus in wine by cutting back vineyards.

First among South American wine producers, Argentina ranks fifth among all wine-producing countries (after France, Italy, Spain, and the US) and second among “new world” producers – although some argue that Argentina’s vintners are heirs to an old world legacy dating back to 1541. Until a dozen years ago, Argentina’s wine production was primarily for domestic consumption. That’s changed, as blog anchor Bill Armbruster took note (Argentina Uncorks Exports). Argentina’s wine exports were up 42% in 2011 compared to 2007, according to Datamyne’s trade data. Here are the country’s top markets:

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