Valentine’s Day | Most Popular Imports

This Valentine’s Day you may be scrambling to find the perfect gift for that perfect someone. We hope this infographic, featuring popular V-Day imports and fun facts, will help guide you in the right direction. If you’re pondering flowers, roses may be a safe choice,...

Where US Beef Comes from

Do you know where US beef comes from? Until last month, you could find out where your hamburger came from by reading the label on the package. Labeling meat products to disclose where the animal was born, raised and slaughtered was mandatory. But Congress has repealed...

Congress Blinks, Repeals COOL

Faced with the threat of retaliatory tariffs from Canada and Mexico, Congress tucked a repeal of the mandatory country-of-origin labeling – or COOL – rules for meat that offended the NAFTA trade partners into the omnibus spending bill passed in the closing days of...

US Tariffs on Chinese Steel Near 500%

US tariffs on Chinese steel imports could near 500% with the Commerce Department International Trade Administration’s preliminary decision to slap anti-dumping duties of 256% on corrosion-resistant steel – this  on top of countervailing duties of 236% imposed in...

On the Way: Fresh Grapes Imported from Chile

’Tis the season for (no, not Santa, that’s next week) ... fresh grapes imported from Chile! As the Northern Hemisphere swings into winter, shipments of fruit from the Southern Hemisphere ramp up. Leader of the pack, the first Chilean table grapes have shipped, reports...