Tracking Tesla Trade Data

Our new report on US exports of Tesla Model S electric cars provides a month-by-month count of how many vehicles shipped and their destinations January through December 2014. [May 12, 2015: Datamyne has refined its methodology for tracking Tesla exports since this...

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Suffering by Comparison

Spotlight on Pacific Alliance trade bloc casts unflattering light on Mercosur “While Pacific Alliance thrives, Mercosur withers,” headlines a recent Andres Oppenheimer opinion piece in the Miami Herald. The Pacific Alliance’s May 23 Cali summit, capped by an agreement...

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With Apologies to Meryl Streep

When the actress plays a role, it’s artistry. When tilapia is passed off as snapper, it’s fraud. We called it “cluck-cluck cutlet of the sea” – without much flavor of its own, tilapia takes on the flavors of the other ingredients in a range of recipes. Now the New...

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