In April 2024, global trade data tracked by Descartes Datamyne™ shows that U.S. container imports increased 3% from March and outpaced the same period last year by 9.3% compared to the same period last year. Notably, Chinese imports rebounded after their March...
Global Shipping Data: Despite a February Decline in U.S. Container Imports, Year-over-year Volume Surges
In February 2024, trade data tracked a 6% decline in U.S. import volume from January. Conversely, import volumes surged by 23.3% compared to the same month last year. Despite conflicting figures, a deeper analysis suggests February remained strong, with overall volume...
Global Shipping Update: Modicum of Relief as Import Volumes Fall in Line with 2019 Levels
With the second quarter of 2023 on the horizon, importers and logistics service providers (LSPs) are wondering what lies ahead. The economic landscape is anything but predictable and there are conflicting opinions on what direction the economy will take. As for...
Talking Logistics: Takeaways from Descartes Evolution 2017
What is the #1 technology topic Descartes CEO Ed Ryan is asked about? Drones. Which is why a drone took flight above the audience at his keynoter at the Descartes Evolution 2017 Global User & Partner Conference in March. Coolness factor aside, as Ryan pointed out,...
Stop Thief!
Most cargo thefts occur in transit By Bill Armbruster What’s the annual cost of cargo theft in the U.S.? Estimates range from less than $2 billion to $30 billion. There are several reasons for that huge disparity. They include the lack of a national database and the...