by | Apr 17, 2015 | Trade Data

Malbec-World-DayApril 17, 1853, is remembered as the day Argentina took its first official steps toward establishing a national viticulture based on carefully selecting and cultivating varietals from France and Italy that ultimately produced Argentina’s iconic wine, Malbec.

More than enough reason to celebrate World Malbec Day today.

Here in the US, $73 million worth of Malbec has been imported so far this year (through March), based on our bill of lading data calculated value of shipments. Most of  red wine comes from Argentina, although Chilean vintners also offer a Malbec.


US imports BOL Malbec countries of origin 1Q15

Here are the top 5 importers in the US this past quarter, based on the BOL data:

US imports BOL Malbec consignees 1Q15
The list of declared shippers of Malbec is top heavy with logistics services providers acting as agents, starting with Giorgio Gori, Alfred Baguerie SA, and JF Hillebrand. A review of the underlying bills reveals many vintners shipping their labels north. The top vintners among declared shippers are Grupo Peñaflor SA and Bodegas y Viñedos.

To see more of the data on Malbec – or any other product imported by the US – just ask us.

To find tastings and other events celebrating Malbec near you, click here.

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