Research BOL Data
Bill of Lading Database
Access bill of lading data from U.S. import and export trade with the world
Descartes Datamyne’s research platform for U.S. import-export bill of lading database provides unlimited scope, precision-targeting and high-speed delivery of results so that you can see big picture trade trends in seconds.
Then, drill down to the details of every shipment to see the products, origins and destinations, volumes, logistics and trading parties.

A Highly Interactive Tool for Quickly Searching and Analyzing Bill of Lading Data

U.S. maritime import records are added to Descartes’ web-based, import and export Bill of Lading database each day, 24 hours after receipt from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Use the interactive tools to quickly get macro trend data along with micro information, down to company names and contact details of potential new suppliers and buyers.

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Datamyne Bill of Lading Database Benefits
Track Competitors’ Import and Export Transactions
See their suppliers, the countries they’re trading with, the volumes being shipped and the prices being paid, among other key data points.
Explore Alternative Suppliers
Find new sources of the products and raw materials your organization buys, and diversify your supplier base with alternatives that include company and contact details.
Qualify New Opportunities
Use the bill of lading database to qualify opportunities via a number of variables including by HS code, TEU volumes, country of origin or destination, and pricing.
Strengthen Your Export Market Position
Find top markets for the products your organization exports and discover new customers, including company names and contact details, to enable global growth.
Identify Transportation and Logistics Customers
Spot new customers for your transportation, logistics and LSP services by commodity, trade lane and related research to generate company names and contact details.
Other Benefits Include…
Spot shifts in product trade flows that can impact pricing, monitor supplier contractor agreements, detect gray market diversions and much more.

- Query multiple criteria to search the details of U.S. import and export bills of lading using Simple and Advanced search options.
- Search by a variety of variables, including shipments by carrier, ports, countries, commodities, equipment type and size, shipper/consignee, street, city or zip code, or search the entire bill of lading.
- Set your timeframe, and then specify a fixed number of days for month-over-month comparisons of equivalent duration.
- Summarize search results using our advanced ‘Totals By’ feature for targeted analysis, and sum up and drill down on search results to see shipments from a variety of perspectives – for example, view shipments by countries of origin, ports of arrival, and then by carriers, shipper or consignee, then sum data by HS or month to see commodity import or export trends
- View details about each party to the trade (including the consignee, shipper and transportation provider) along with company contact information.
- See all searches, results and analysis displayed on a single page with fast results.
- Download up to 10,000 results at a time to Excel spreadsheets – or go big with our premium Massive Download feature, which allows up to 500,000 records to be downloaded.
- Share, save and update reports easily.
- Save searches and set alerts to be notified via email every time new bill of lading records for shipments of interest arrive.